XTB ranked among the top companies in the WIG30 for outstanding investor relations!
The “Parkiet” daily recently published the results of its annual study on companies’ communication with the market. We are pleased to announce that we achieved third place among the WIG30 companies in the rating of individual investors, exceeding the average score. Additionally, we ranked among the top ten in the financial institutions category, which confirms the high level of XTB’s communication with the market. Our results reflect a very positive outcome, combining the ratings from both groups of survey participants.
Trust is one of the most essential components of a functioning capital market. Building long-term, solid relationships with investors is a key part of our mission. Paweł Szejko, CFO and member of the XTB management board, commented:
– The success of IR activities is based on several factors. The first is transparency and openness in communication, as well as equal access to information. It may seem obvious, but without this foundation it is difficult to talk about valuable communication.
Thank you for recognizing my efforts in such a meaningful way!