Author Archives: Paweł Szejko

CR no. 6/2021 – Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A.

CR no. 5/2021 – Convening of the Ordinary General Meeting of X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A.

CR no. 4/2021 – Opinion of the Supervisory Board on the recommendation of the Company’s Management Board regarding the distribution of profit for 2020

CR no. 3/2021 – Management’s Board recommendation on profit distribution for the year 2020

Omar Arnaout about 2020 results

Investor chat with the Management Board of XTB in Puls Biznesu [INWESTOR ACTION]

Results conference for investors regarding preliminary data for 2020

Record of the results conference on preliminary financial and operating data for 2020

Online meeting with XTB during the WSE Innovation Day

GPW Innovation Day conference

Start prezentacji: czwartek 10 grudnia 2020, godz. 14:00 CET Link do konferencji online (dostęp z komputera): Dane dostępowe poprzez telefon: tel.: +48 22 209 2520 PIN uczestnika: 567558816# ID pokoju: 449-252-387