Author Archives: Paweł Szejko

2016 Results Presentation

Consolidated Annual Report for 2016

Standalone Annual Report for 2016

Interview with Jakub Zablocki, Chairman of the XTB Supervisory Board

Preliminary financial results for 4Q 2016

X-Trade Brokers reported almost 212% increase of a consolidated net profit in the IV quarter 2016 as compared to the same period of the previous year.  The net profit in this period amounted to PLN 51,4 million in comparison to PLN 16,5 million in the previous year. The IV quarter was the same a record […]

CR no. 4/2017 – Information on the preliminary financial and operating results for the year 2016

Meeting with institutional investors – presentation of the new XTB Management Board

More information and confirmation of your participation:  Pekao Investment Banking S.A. , email:

Participation in a „Pulse of the Economy” Small & Mid Caps conference organized by WOOD & Company (Warsaw)

Changes in the composition of X-Trade Brokers DM S.A. Management Board

The Supervisory Board of X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A. at the meeting held on 10 January 2017 decided to make changes in the composition of the Company’s Management Board.   Mr. Jakub Maly was dismissed from the position of the Management Board’s President.  This decision is strategic and results from the need to ensure by […]

CR no. 3/2017 – Changes in the composition of the Company’s authorities