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The following contact details are used only for communication related to the area of investor relations of XTB and are intended for investors, analysts and the media. Messages not related to investor relations may go unanswered.

If you are a client or a potential client of XTB and you have a matter related to the current service or product offer – contact your account manager or XTB’s Customer Service Department via the transaction platform or by sending an email to pomoc@xtb.pl.


Contact for investors and analysts:

Paweł Szejko
CFO, Member of the Management Board

E-mail: relacje.inwestorskie@xtb.com
Tel:+48 22 201 95 50


Contact for media:

Artur Babicz
PR Manager

E-mail: biuro.prasowe@xtb.com
Tel: +48 666 891 149



Contact for ESG matters:

Angelika Biały
Sustainability Manager

E-mail: esg@xtb.com
Tel: +48 453-677-174