Author Archives: sebastian.kostrzynski Kostrzyński

CR no. 2/2019 – Information on the preliminary financial and operating results for the year 2018

Publication of Consolidated Quarterly Report for Q3 2019

Publication of Consolidated Semi-Annual Report for H1 2019

Publication of Annual Report and Consolidated Annual Report for 2018

Publication of Consolidated Quarterly Report for Q1 2019

CR no. 1/2019 – Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2019

CR no. 30/2018 – The fulfilment of the condition on advance payment of dividend for the financial year 2018

CR no. 28/2018 – Selection of an entity authorized to audit financial statements

XTB financial results for the 3rd quarter of 2018

In the III quarter of 2018, XTB noted consolidated net loss of PLN 2,9 million against PLN 31,3 million profit a year earlier. The III quarter of 2018 result was charged with a one-off event, which was the imposition of an administrative fine by the PFSA in the amount of PLN 9,9 million of which […]

3Q 2018 Results Presentation