

  • 2018.11.08
    Report for the 3rd Quarter 2018
  • 2018.11.07
    CR no. 27/2018 – The approval of the Supervisory Board of dividend advance payment for the financial year 2018
  • 2018.10.26
    CR no. 26/2018 – Decision of the Management Board on advance payment of dividend for the financial year 2018
  • 2018.10.26
    CR no. 25/2018 – Information on the preliminary financial and operating results for the III quarter of 2018
  • 2018.10.25
    CR no. 24/2018 – The appointment of supervising person
  • 2018.10.17
    CR no. 23/2018 – List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A.
  • 2018.10.17
    CR no. 22/2018 – The appointment of supervising persons
  • 2018.10.17
    CR no. 21/2018 – Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting
  • 2018.09.18
    CR no. 20/2018 – Update of the information on administrative proceedings initiated by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority
  • 2018.09.14
    CR no. 19/2018 – Draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A.