

  • 2017.06.29
    CR no. 19/2017 – Information about transactions on the Company’s shares
  • 2017.06.28
    CR no. 18/2017 – Information about transactions on the Company’s shares
  • 2017.05.30
    CR no. 17/2017 – Changes in the composition of the Company’s Supervisory Board
  • 2017.05.25
    CR no. 16/2017 – Appointment of the entity authorized to audit financial statements
  • 2017.05.18
    CR no. 15/2017 – Update information on XTB Capital Group’s operations on the Turkish market
  • 2017.05.15
    1Q 2017 Results Presentation
  • 2017.05.15
    Report for the 1st Quarter 2017
  • 2017.04.26
    CR no. 14/2017 – Information on the preliminary financial and operating results for the 1Q 2017
  • 2017.04.24
    CR no. 13/2017 – List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting
  • 2017.04.24
    CR no. 12/2017 – Resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting