Author Archives: sebastian.kostrzynski Kostrzyński

Consolidated Annual Report for 2021

Consolidated Annual Report for 2021

Standalone Annual Report for 2021

CR no. 2/2022 – Preliminary financial and operating results for the year 2021

Closed period in connection with Annual Report and Consolidated Annual Report for 2021: 07.02.2022 – 09.03.2022

According to Art. 19 § 11 of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 Of The European Parliament And Of The Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) a person discharging managerial responsibilities within an issuer shall not conduct any transactions on its own account or for the account of a third party, […]

CR no. 1/2022 – Registration of amendments to the Issuer’s Articles of Association

CR no. 22/2021 – Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2022

CR no. 21/2021 – Change of the XTB’s registered office address

CR no. 20/2021 – Appointment of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company

CR no. 19/2021 – List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A.